Following Rachel's acceptance of Joey's accidental proposal, confusion reigns as Rachel wonders whether it was the right thing to do and Phoebe can't seem to mind her own business. Finally, Rachel, Ross and Joey get together and figure out that no one was actually going to propose. Meanwhile, Mr. Geller walks in on Monica and Chandler having sex in a closet.
26 April, 2001Friends720p
S7 E20 - The One with Rachel's Big Kiss
At Central Perk Rachel runs into her friend from college, Melissa, and it turns out they share something more than just a friendship. Meanwhile, Monica plans the seating arrangement for the wedding and is taken by surprise when Joey mentions that his parents are coming to the wedding too. Also, Chandler and Ross argue who gets to wear a celebrity tux for the event.
02 May, 2002Friends720p
S8 E21 - The One with the Cooking Class
Monica's restaurant gets a bad review in the Post. After confronting the critic who wrote it, she decides to join a cooking class, with Joey in tow. Meanwhile, Rachel gets jealous when Ross hits it off with a woman at the baby department store. And Chandler prepares for a job interview after Phoebe tells him that he makes a bad first impression.
31 January, 2002Friends720p
S8 E14 - The One with the Secret Closet
Chandler's very curious about a locked closet by the bathroom in their apartment, but Monica won't tell him what is inside. After Phoebe convinces Monica to get a massage from her, she soon finds out that Monica makes sexual noises during the process, which makes Phoebe very uncomfortable. Meanwhile, Rachel feels her baby kick for the first time and Ross is upset when he can't be more involved in Rachel's pregnancy issues.
Rachel makes a rash decision after Gunther tells her she needs to be retrained. Phoebe tries to help Joey when he gets a job selling Christmas trees. And Ross accidentally breaks a girl's leg and tries to make it up to her.
09 March, 2000Friends720p
S6 E17 - The One Where Ross Dates a Student
At the end of semester Ross gets his student evaluations and one of them writes that he's hot. It turns out to be a cute girl named Elizabeth and even though it could cost him his job, Ross considers dating her. An ex-girlfriend of Chandler's from college is directing the new Al Pacino movie and Joey asks Chandler for help with getting an audition. Meanwhile, after a fire ruins Phoebe and Rachel's apartment, they're forced to find temporary living spaces with Monica and Joey.
30 September, 1999Friends720p
S6 E2 - The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel
Monica and Chandler decide to move in together, leading Rachel to believe that all three of them will be roommates, and Monica doesn't want to tell her the truth. Meanwhile, Ross tries to keep Rachel from learning that their marriage hasn't been annulled.
10 October, 2002Friends720p
S9 E3 - The One with the Pediatrician
Rachel's pediatrician drops her as a client because she calls him incessantly to ask about any insignificant issue concerning Emma, so now she must find a new one, which puts Ross in an awkward situation. Meanwhile, Joey arranges a blind date for Phoebe. Also, as Chandler and Monica are preparing to leave for Tulsa, Monica receives a job offer from a prestige restaurant in Manhattan.